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September 10-14, 2007
Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné
CNRS et Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis

Aims and scopes

An international conference on "Shuffles, descents and representations" will take place in the University of Nice in September 2007 (10-14 Sept.). The conference is dedicated to the memory of Manfred Schocker [1970-2006].
Its aim is to bring together leading experts in the many fields surrounding shuffles and quasi-symmetric functions (algebraic combinatorics, representation theory, discrete probabilities...). We expect to keep the number of talks relatively low, in order for people to be able to discuss and work together during the meeting.

P. Diaconis, F. Patras, A. Ram, Ch. Reutenauer.

The conference takes place inside the ANR program Chaire d'Excellence Persi Diaconis

Click here to get the POSTER OF THE CONFERENCE

Or click here to get still another version of the POSTER OF THE CONFERENCE


Marcelo Aguiar (Texas)
Dieter Blessenohl (Kiel)
Roger Bryant (Manchester)
Tomasz Brzezinski (Swansea)
Pierre Cartier (IHES)
Frédéric Chapoton (Lyon)
Mihai Ciucu (Georgia Tech)
Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard (MPI Bonn)
Karin Erdmann (Oxford)
Jason Fulman (USC)
Phil Hanlon (Michigan)
Christophe Hohlweg (Toronto)
Anthony Henderson (Sydney)
Christian Kassel (Strasbourg)
Terry Lyons (Oxford)
Jean-Yves Thibon (Marne-la-Vallée)
Paul-Hermann Zieschang (Brownsville)

The conference will include a series of 4 overview lectures by Persi Diaconis on ``Shufflings''.